地图上红绿黄蓝点red/green/yellow/blue marker on the map/mini map
我们是要肛枪还是猥琐发育?Are we going risky or safety?
咱桥头埋伏一波Let's ambush the bridge.
我们守这儿打劫收过路费怎么样?How about we just camp here, and wait for the passers?
毒来了咱们进圈吧Electric's coming, let's get in the circle.
赶紧的!-A- Double time!
我看着N方向吧I take care of north side.
注意身后Watch your back.
盯着点那些树/石头Keep an eye on those trees/rocks.
那些房子被人撸过了Those houses are looted.
距离:too far away (8x~15x) / far away (4x) / dead ahead (2x) / close range (1x) / on my face (melee)
方向:游戏内报方向尽量用HUD标尺。观战模式推荐用时钟法,常用的也就有eleven、one、twelve、six o'clock这些。
我听见车声了。I hear a car.
他想碾死我!He's gonna run over me!
我旁边这栋楼里有脚步声,我ID叫Kit I got movement in this building, this is Kit.
我看到平原上两个人在跑,NW方向往N方向I see two men on the plain, running, northwest to north.
我看到红房子二楼有个人,175方向和S之间,大概200米远 I see one in the red house, derection one seventy five, south, second floor, about two hundred meters away.
游戏大前期和大后期不需要报点,直接开火即可。中期开枪前需要和队友交流报点,以免暴露位置,延误战机,偷鸡不成反被偷。(看见人以后……)我没有暴露,随时可以开火I'm not compromised, ready to engage.
我能秒了他I can nuke.
别开枪Hold ur fire, we r not shooting.
有人打他们呢Someone's shooting them.
注意友军在你身后Hey Alisa, Friendly behind u, take care.
他好像是个独狼He's alone, I think.
我拉个角度Move up/around for a better view.
我从左边包抄过去了啊I'm gonna flank him on the left.(本人超级喜欢绕别人屁股打)
我需要火力掩护Need some covering fire.
注意房间角落Watch those corners.
跟近点老哥们Stay close budies.
我扔雷了啊Frag out./ Stun out. / Popping smoke.
淘汰了/打死他了Knocked out. / He's down.
把车干炸!!!Light'em up!
现在自由开火,看见人了直接打Weapon's free now. If you see anyone, just shoot.
干得漂亮老哥Nice shot dude.
我舔包去了啊。掩护我I'm gonna loot him, cover me :)
这真他么是一个肥盒啊Opp what a f♂cking mystery box.
一脸懵逼的被干了Taking fire o_0...
我被狙击手干了I'm hit. Sniper.
撤退get back/找掩体 take cover
他们冲过来了They r closing in!
有个逼要冲我楼快来支援There's one rushing upstairs, need assistant!
你稳住我马上过去Hold on there, I'm moving up.
艹尼吗的自己人停火 Friendly fire!!
扶他起来Get him up.
我快死了,别救我了I'm dying, don't save me.
队友跑毒中…… Come on man, u r gonna make it!