单机游戏首页>游戏攻略 > 游戏攻略 > 使命召唤4枪械数据详解 使命召唤4全枪械数据介绍

使命召唤4枪械数据详解 使命召唤4全枪械数据介绍

时间:2017-03-20 09:43:58 来源:小皮单机游戏 作者:Fledgling 我要评论


使命召唤4枪械数据详解 使命召唤4全枪械数据介绍

  将 main/iw_11.iwd 的档案用winrar 打开, 可以见到各种武器的真实数据 (游戏内的数据假的)

  Here are some numbers straight out of main/iw_11.iwd

  每把武器瞄准的时候会变得无限准, 枪附带的准星顶点就是子弹的着点

  Every weapon (sans shotguns) has perfect 0 spread when sighted. Tip of the sight is where the bullet will go.

  突击步枪 - 全部射程皆有 1500-2000. 当加上灭声器的时候, 射程缩短至750-1500

  当距离超过1500 时候, (子弹)攻击力会跌至第二个数字并继续飞行

  ASSAULT - All have a range of 1500-2000. When silenced, the range becomes 750-1500.

  After 1500 range, damage gradually drops to the second number and continues on after 2000 at that lower value.

  (DMG = 攻击力; ROF = 射速)


  DMG: 40 - 30 | ROF: .065 (925~ rounds per minute)


  DMG: 40 - 30 | ROF: .085 (700 rounds per minute)

  The AK47 is the only weapon that has a damage decrease when silenced (40-20).


  DMG: 30 - 20 | ROF: .07 (850~ rounds per minute)


  DMG: 40 - 30 | ROF: .05 (RPM irrelevant) / Semi


  DMG: 30 - 20 | ROF: .08 (750 rounds per minute)


  DMG: 50 - 40 | ROF: .05 (RPM irrelevant) / Semi


  DMG: 40 - 30 | ROF: .1 (600 rounds per minute)


  冲锋枪 - 武器(攻击力;射速;射程) 所以灭音了的射程都减至350-700 以及Skorpion 减至100-300.

  SMG - weapon(damage;firerate;range) All silenced ranges are decreased to 350-700 and the Skorpion to 100-300.

  MP5 (40-30 ; 800RPM / 750-1000)

  Skorpion (50-20 ; 850RPM / 200-400)

  AKs74u (40-20 ; 800RPM / 750-1000)

  Uzi (30-20 ; 950RPM / 750-1000)

  P90 (30-20 ; 925RPM / 750-1000)


  轻机枪 - SAW 及RPD 的射程一样, 但明显RPD 的攻击力为高. M60 有1000-1500 射程

  LMG - The range for the SAW and RPD are irrelevant as the damage does not change. M60 has 1000-1500 range

  M249 SAW

  DMG: 30 - 30 | ROF: .065 (925~ rounds per minute)


  DMG: 40 - 40 | ROF: .085 (700 rounds)


  DMG: 50 - 40 | ROF: .01 (600 rounds)


  散弹枪 - 两把每枪每发都会射出八粒散弹, W1200射程为 300-600; M1014 射程为300-500. 当使用准星时, 子弹会更分散

  SHOTGUN - Both fire eight hitscans/shot, and have a range of 300-600 (Winchester 300-500). They are also unique in that when sighted, the spread becomes WIDER.

  Winchester 1200

  DMG: 40 - 10 | ROF: .283 (200~ shells per minute) / Pump

  SPR: 4 hip spread, 5.5 sight spread


  DMG: 30 - 10 | ROF: .2 (300 shells per minute) / Semi

  SPR: 5 hip spread, 5.5 sight spread

