单机游戏首页>游戏攻略 > 游戏秘籍 > 上古卷轴5控制台怎么用 上古卷轴5控制台代码大全

上古卷轴5控制台怎么用 上古卷轴5控制台代码大全

时间:2013-10-14 15:35:38 来源:小皮单机游戏 作者:Strategy 我要评论

  8.Player.SetFactionRank FactionID #

  Sets your character to a rank depending on the number specified. 0 is the lowest rank, 7 is the highest, and -1 will remove you from the faction.



  Dark Brotherhood - 2F872

  Fighters Guild - 2228F

  Mages Guild - 22296

  Thieves Guild - 24164

  Arena - 299B9

  9.SetBarterGold #

  By clicking a merchant and typing this you can set their barter gold to any number you like. Very handy for getting the most profit out of what you sell.



  Click a horse or item that isn't yours, type this, and it's yours. You could break into someones house, use this on all of their possessions, and walk away without actually stealing a thing. Or you could walk into a stable, use this on a horse, and you've got yourself a free horse that will follow you.


  11.SetQuestObject ItemID #

  Using this, you can remove the "quest item" tag on those pesky quest items that never get removed from your inventory. Or, if you have an item you don't want to accidently sell or lose you can use this on it to make it an undroppable quest item. 0 removes the "quest item" tag, 1 adds it.




  12. Set PCVampire to #

  Becoming a Vampire Using the Console&Curing Vampirism Using the


  This will work even if you've been previously cured of vampirism and are now immune to it, and is also your only choice for becoming a vampire again. just put in the two commands Set PCVampire to 2 and

  Player.SetAV Vampirism 25. You're now a vampire. There are two ways to go about Curing Vampirism. The first, and simplest, is to give yourself the vampirism cure potion you'd normally get at the end of the vampirism cure quest, using the command Player.AddItem 977E4 1, and drink it. This may not work due to occasional glitches, which is where the second way comes in. You'll have to use this string of commands to forcibly remove the vampirism and all traces of it:

  可以让玩家角色快速 变成/治疗 吸血鬼。


  Set PCVampire to 2

  Player.SetAV Vampirism 25


  Player.AddItem 977E4 1


  Set PCVampire to -1

