单机游戏首页>游戏攻略 > 游戏攻略 > 《孤岛危机3》bug汇总罗列 bug大全

《孤岛危机3》bug汇总罗列 bug大全

时间:2016-09-06 18:39:53 来源:小皮单机游戏 作者:德怀特华德 我要评论


《孤岛危机3》bug汇总罗列 bug大全

  - 快跑中换弹只有在有时候有用 Sprint+Reload working only sometimes

  - 枪管配件会使下枪管配件失效(如用枪口制退器会让弹鼓失效)Barrel attachments making underbarrel attachments not work (For example, using muzzle brake makes the extended mag don´t work, etc)

  - 黑系统和附件改装的自定义按键定义有问题 Custom key blindings problem with Hacking and Attachments Customitation

  - 外星枪械没有弹药 (破解问题?)Alien gun at the Fields not having ammo (<- Pirate version bug?)

  - 部分武器的最大弹药携带量一直在变 Maximun ammo pool changing all the time in certain weapons

  - 弹药数负数 Having negative ammo numbers

  - 物体细节设定为最高后 曲面细分会有很多问题 同时贴图也会出现错误(但是水效调最高没问题)Object detail at Very high creating A LOT of tessellation bugs and corrupted textures (water works fine)

  - 有时候C4和火箭筒可以同时携带 其他的则不行 Sometimes being able to carry C4 and JAWs at the same time and others not

  - 已解锁的武器配件会随机消失[我估计指的是会随机又被锁上吧...] Unlocked attachments dissapearing randomly

  - 最终boss只会攻击一次 然后就无敌了 Final boss battle bugged: The boss will use only 1 attack and is inmortal

  - 有时候没办法捡射出去的箭 Not being able to pick some of the used arrows (yes, normal arrows)

  - 有时候暗杀会变成普通肉搏攻击 Random stealth kills attempts trigger normal melee

  - 在草地里的潜行者不会攻击[我想指的应该是关纳米干扰器那里火车场的那个草地吧~我就碰到了 2个潜行者 打不死 但是不会攻击] Stalkers at The Fields not attacking

  - 有时候无法正常的开镜放大 Zoom modes not applying correctly at random

  - 升级组件会随机消失 Disappearing upgrade modules at random

  - 最终boss战的过场动画时程序会崩溃 Game crashing at the Final Boss cutscene

  - 没办法用弓 Not being able to equip the bow

  - 狙ADS镜准星会消失 Sniper scope ADS crosshair dissapearing

  - 第一关黑门后门打不开 At the first level, the first hacking door not opening after hacking it

  - 孤岛任务:救好VTOL陆战队后他们不会出来 而且也无法拿到里面的NS升级模块 Islands mission: After rescuing the VTOL marines they wont come out, and you wont be able to pick the nanosuit upgrade inside.

  - 有时候音效消失或提前结束 Missing sound effects and sound effects finishing before they should.

  - 部分物体会以不科学的物理定律在地上乱动 Physics of certain objects making them move around the ground in odd ways.

  - 有时候暗杀敌人后 敌人死了 你还在暗杀.....Bug with stealth kill in which you kill the enemy but you get stuck as if still perfoming the kill.

  - 有时候会莫名其妙的从地图上跌下去[估计就是指跌出地图外了吧 类似于恶魔城的出城]Glitch that causes you to fall through the map for unkown reasons.
